A girl in an Ohio State sweatshirt standing on front of a library

College is almost over and you’re ready to pop that champagne! One of the best ways to remember this milestone is booking a creative college graduation photoshoot at The Ohio State University. Now, I get it – you want your fabulous college-aged self immortalized through photos that scream “I did it!” – but with everyone and their grandma flocking to popular campus spots to snap photos, you might end up waiting in line longer than it took you to write that thesis… so what can you do?

Schedule your photo session in between semesters.

If you’re local, schedule photos in May (after graduation and move-out) so you can have the best locations for yourself. I promise you will still feel hyped about taking photos after graduation, especially when you can dance under the Ohio Stadium rotunda poppin’ champagne all over your gown without fear of ruining it before the ceremony! This is your moment.

If you can’t schedule between semesters, book in March or early April.

You can have your photoshoot as soon as you have your cap & gown – there’s no reason to wait until closer to graduation. In fact, I strongly suggest you don’t. The magnolias and cherry blossoms on the Oval usually bloom in late March and give a nice pop of color you can’t get any other time of year. As an added bonus, you’ll usually get your photos back before graduation itself which makes a great gift for family or an early mother’s day present! 

Now, the burning question: can you still schedule your photo session right before graduation? Absolutely! I’m no stranger to photographing during the grad season chaos. You can always plan for other locations off-campus to avoid crowds, but if your heart is set on that iconic photo under the rotunda or on the Oval, patience is key. Scheduling early in the morning or on a weeknight gives a better chance at avoiding crowds. Pro tip: skip the professional photos on graduation weekend. You don’t want a photoshoot taking away precious time from your family, and vice versa.

Graduating in December? You can still do grad photos! September/October is a great time to schedule if you want your photos back by graduation. Yes, campus will be busy and you’ll have to work around the football schedule, but most grads haven’t coordinated their photo sessions by that point so won’t have to share locations with other photo-takers. Alternatively, you can use my “between semesters” advice and wait until winter break to schedule your photos. December still has pockets of good weather, and we can always use indoors locations if that’s more your style. Remember these are your photos, so the sky’s the limit for creativity! 

A girl rollerskating across a parking garage roof
A girl laughing in front of a garage door
A graduation cap and tassel from the year 2021
A lady with a flower patterned jumpsuit standing in front of sunflowers

Hi! I’m Daisy, and you’re very welcome here.

I’m a college graduation photographer in Columbus Ohio, specializing in stress-free and fun portrait experiences at The Ohio State University (+ Ohio Northern University). I hope you enjoyed When to schedule college graduation photos, and if you’d like to chat about your own grad photos, smash that button below! I can’t wait to hear what wild and beautiful things you’re dreaming up.

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