Columbus Ohio Family Photographer

photos that make you feel seen, Not Stressed.

SINCE 2018

Jordan holds Avery upside down while her mom Chelsea eats a bowl of Fruit Loops and laughs
The Randle family sits on a blanket in their backyard in Columbus Ohio, a candid moment captured by lifestyle photographer Daisy Zimmer

You’re surrounded by everything you need to make meaningful family photos. Right now.

But it’s not because of how it looks. It’s because of what it all means.

There’s something about being curled up in the familiar corners of your home, with the ones you love most. It’s effortlessly easy, totally normal and as good as it gets. It’s why you want family photos to begin with!

Instead of disrupting all that goodness by packing the whole gang into a car and posing in a random park, what if you could just STAY in the moments that matter? And in the little world you’ve created at home? A documentary family session allows you to do EXACTLY that. We’ll create photos together that genuinely feel like this chapter of life.

If you want to feel nostalgic for the present, look no further.

Our photos are a reminder that what we have in life is beautiful, invaluable, and uniquely wonderful to us.

– Ben A.

I’m Daisy and I agree…

Your kid is seriously the best.

That’s why I do this. I want your kids to grow up surrounded by vibrant, meaningful, real photos that celebrate who they are in a world that often pushes conformity. Hopefully as they grow, these memories remind them of their immense value in the world and in your hearts.

That’s how I was raised and I’m lucky to have the photos to prove it (thanks mom).

Daisy, a Columbus Ohio Family Photographer, is wearing a tie-dye shirt and blowing bubbles in front of a colorful painted wall

Daisy is incredibly talented at her craft, but more importantly, she is a genuine, good person with a beautiful spirit.

She is the type of person I want to be around, and who I want to be around my children.

– Erin S.

You are very welcome here.

I promise to tell your family’s story honestly, beautifully, and in a way that celebrates the best version of yourselves — whatever that may be.

LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, differently-abled, and non-traditionally structured families are whole-heartedly loved here. If this offends you, I am not the photographer for you.

In-home family photos with less fuss

And more fun

A mom helps her one year old baby climb up the stairs, a candid moment captured by lifestyle photographer Daisy Zimmer
Jay jumps on his bed waving a plastic Thor hammer, a candid moment captured by Columbus lifestyle photographer Daisy Zimmer

Instead of sacrificing your time for photos

Celebrate quality family time with photos

A woman and her two daughters hang upside-down off the side of the bed, while dad sits in a chair across the room and smiles at them

As a parent you’re a pro at playing make-believe

So this will be a piece of cake. Imagine…

Spending the morning as a family. But unlike mornings that slip right by, this time it’s s l o w e r – with an extra spark of fun. Wrapped up in loud games and inside jokes and hugs, you forget I’m the only new thing in the room.

Somehow the love you have as a family feels even more special. And it’s crazy that after only two hours at home together you get to see and keep that feeling forever.

It’s not so easy to convince yourself that life is just “too busy” for family photos anymore, huh?

Fabulous! Mission accomplished! … well almost.

Choose your photo adventure

Tiffany holds her newborn baby Luna at their home in Grandview Heights in Columbus Ohio


Cuddly laid-back portraits of parenthood

Jack is smiling big and showing his braces while his parents hug him tightly


Creative portraits of your everyday life

A mom gently kissing her one year old daughter on the cheek

Here’s the deal

I’ve been running barefoot through my clients’ backyards and climbing on their furniture for the sake of seriously good photos since 2018. And there are a few things I know for sure…

“1-2-3 cheese” could never create a bigger or truer smile than when a parent whispers “I love you” into their kiddos ear.

The little things really ARE the big things, the chaos is context, and the cereal crumbs on the floor really aren’t a big freakin’ deal.

At home family photos are a win, win, win – less stress for you, more comfortable for the kids, and whatever you need is right there.

Daisy made the whole process so relaxing. We all felt comfortable with her. And her amazing photos are the icing on the cake.

My kids do best at home where they’re free to run and be wild, and Daisy jumped right into the chaos and seemed to have just as much fun as they were.

– Sarah E.

You’ll love how these photos make you wish you could rewind time.

Keep smiling through the crazy. It will be more than worth it.