a pre-teen girl with a cast on her hand holds her stuffed elephant lovingly

Why I refuse to say cheese (and you should too)

When it comes to photographing your child, you want them represented in the best way possible.

One moment they’re doing something fun and playful, the next you whip out your phone and tell them to say “cheese.” There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting photos of your child smiling. You should capture those smiles! 

But if we only capture smiles, we have missed the story. 

Asking a child to say “cheese” puts a full stop to their magic. It sends a message that says “your moment wasn’t good enough, so let’s make it more perfect with a smile.” 

When it comes to making meaningful photographs of your child, it all starts with how they feel when a camera comes out. And if that feels like a performance, it will never happen. 

This is why I refuse to say cheese, and if you’re the parent of an imaginative and strong-willed child, I hope you will too! Let’s hold tight to the defining details, the personality quirks, the love soaked little moments that you want to remember about your kids’ fast-changing lives. Real beauty shines brighter than an ideal smiling portrait. Every. Single. Time.

a dad hugs his toddler son in a field of yellow flowers

We did all of our favorite things together while Daisy snapped away; we hung out by the fireplace, had a dance party, and read a chapter book as we snuggled in bed.

My husband actually enjoyed himself, and the kids didn’t want Daisy to leave!

Hi there!

I’m Daisy, and you’re very welcome here.

I’m a documentary Columbus Ohio family photographer offering stress-free and fun portrait experiences. I hope you enjoyed Why I refuse to say cheese, and if you’d like to chat about your own family photos, smash that button below. Can’t wait to hear what wild and wonderful things you’re dreaming up!

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