A lady in green overalls does a jumping jack in front of a white brick wall

An office-inspired mantra

If you’re someone who gets into a funk this time of year, you’re not alone.

The first two weeks of January are always strange for me. The excitement of the holidays is over, but the exhaustion is still dragging me down (just like the extra 5-7 lbs from waaaay too much charcuterie). 

For the past 3+ weeks, I consumed less social media and really spent some time focusing on mental health, new year goals, and the “big” creative picture. It’s amazing how every moment spent off of social media gives you an equally-sized boost in self confidence. 

This year, my creative goal is pretty simple: share more of what’s real. 

Most of you know I’m an Office fan, but I don’t think I ever explained why… 

I think a lot of the success behind The Office was taking characters who represent normal, everyday people and pulling out magic nuggets of goodness that make your heart ache. I recently learned via Brian Baumgartner’s podcast that Greg Daniels (writer/producer/director) had a mantra of “truth and beauty” when creating the show. When the truth wasn’t presented to the cameras, the cameramen would seek to find it. Beauty isn’t subjective, or obvious; it must be found. Discovering beauty is a simple yet conscious effort that requires looking at something ordinary and finding the value in it. 

When it comes to the way I approach family photography, I can’t think of a more accurate mantra than truth and beauty. It captures what I most love about The Office, but it also captures the heart of my business. Are there still going to be gut-busting laughs and snark? You bet. But those quirks are still every bit as true, every bit as beautiful, and every bit as important to a story. 

This year, I’m seeking to capture that feeling of tangible goodness. The stories are written by you; the camera is just the tool that saves your beauty in a way you can appreciate it forever.

If you want to know more about working with me, the best place to start is with a phone call. I hope to connect with you this year!

My kids had fun with Daisy as she brought their true personalities and best sides out. Then she captured it all on film.

Now I have these beautiful, real moments of joy that I can look back on for years to come.

Hi there!

I’m Daisy, and you’re very welcome here.

I’m a documentary Columbus Ohio family photographer offering stress-free and fun portrait experiences. I hope you enjoyed An Office Inspired Mantra, and if you’d like to chat about your own family photos, smash that button below. Can’t wait to hear what wild and wonderful things you’re dreaming up!

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